Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Angels

People always say there are Christmas Angels and miracles, but you don't quite believe it until you or somebody close to experiences it. Last week, we were made believers of this. H's mom and dad were grocery shopping, and as they were checking out, there were a few kids at the end of the aisle came up to them and said they would like to pay for their groceries, as they held out wads of cash. My in-laws were taken back and said no, it's ok! They insisted - and paid for the groceries. Come to find out, there are a couple of men in Quincy who go and get children from the orphanage and take them out, give them thousands of dollars and go around and pay for groceries. The children are responsible for choosing who they want to give the money too. It was so generous and selfless. If this does not make you a believer in Christmas Angels/Miracles, I don't know what will!


Anonymous said...

A wonderful story about the money. Is that Quincy, Illinois? I'd like to track it down and perhaps use it in a forthcoming book.

Mommy said...

Wow, that is so special! What a wonderful story. I wish I could have a "Christmas Angel" pay for my groceries because my bill is usually $200.00 or so.

Christen said...

That is a great story! Thanks for sharing.

Jaycie and Randy said...

What a nice story! Just goes to show that even in todays world there are still good hearts out there! Hope you and yours had a beautiful holiday!
How could you not with such a wonderful start!

The Shirley Family said...

ahh I love this story. I about cried.

Anonymous said...

As Justin and Romas Dad I always enjoy reading their blog. Our most
enjoyable times are when they can make the trip back up to Quincy. The Christmas Angel at the Hy-Vee Store was truly an emotional pick-me-up for Karen who has been battling breast cancer. "Angels do exist" I found one in Karen and Justin found one in Roma(she does have more shoes than most angels). Happy NY to all.