Sunday, March 14, 2010

St. Patrick's Day/Casino Night

A group of our friends who we frequently hang out wiht decided to have monthly game nights. Since we all live downtown, it is easy to rotate homes and not go far. The first one was at our condo, and it happened to fall on the weekend of St. Patrick Day celebrations. We decided to do games around a casino night theme. What a fun evening! We provided the main course, and did a traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner, everybody else brought sides, apps, and desserts - needless to say, we had way too much food, but it was delicious! After dinner we started with the games, we had a few rounds of blackjack and then flippy cup (not a traditional Irish themed game, but we adapted it to the holiday). I can't wait for next month's game night, I think this is going to be a great monthly event!