Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

This year we had thanksgiving here in St. Louis. We spend the holiday with our very close family friends the Pangarkar's and Kamat's. We went to the Kamat's home for a wonderful meal, great company and a fun carriage ride through Tilles Park. It was a nice and relaxing holiday! I hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful holiday as well!

Triple Berry Pie - my first attempt at making it from scratch!

Working up their appetite

The beautiful table setting

Let's Go Bears!

For our 2 year wedding anniversary I got H tickets to the Bears Game - which was the day after the wedding. Ritu & Tim had come for the wedding, so we drove back with them, which was perfect, because we were staying with them as well. It was a fun few days. H and I went to the game on Sunday night, which was a great time! I'm not a big football fan, actually not a fan at all, but we had a lot of fun! The weather was great for being November in a football stadium. For the rest of the week we were able to spend some great time with Ritu & Tim - nice and relaxing with actually getting the opportunity to hang out. We were also able to meet up with an old friend while we were there, which was an added bonus!

Congratulations Emily & Dan

On November 21, my sister-in-law got married in Quincy, IL. It was a great weekend. I headed to Quincy the Wednesday before the wedding to help get things ready. H and I decided to fly since after the wedding we were heading to Chicago. On my flight to Quincy, I took a very small 6 passenger plane, and shockingly there were 6 passengers! I had the privilege to be the co-pilot on this 40 minute journey. Don't worry - I didn't have to do anything but sit as still as possible and touch NOTHING! H flew in on Friday and did not have to be a co-pilot!

The wedding and reception was at the Quincy Country Club and it was beautiful. Emily looked stunning, which was no surprise! The weather turned out to be beautiful, especially for the end of November. It was a fabulous weekend and we couldn't be happier for the couple. We look forward to seeing them grow together as husband and wife. Congratulations Emily & Dan!
There are so many pictures, I can't pick just a can view them here.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

More Fall Fun!

CWE Halloween Party

November day at the Wineries

Dinner with the P's

Happy 70th Birthday Pangarkar Uncle!

Mustache Bash

For the last two years, for our friend Erica's birthday, we have attended the Annual Mustache Bash here in St. Louis. This year the party was at the Orpheum Theater. It is a beautiful theater downtown St. Louis. The entertainment for the evening was John Oats from Hall and Oats. The mustache of the year was awarded to a relief pitcher from the Arizona Diamondbacks...the competition was tough but he had an outstanding stache. It was quite a comical evening! Happy Birthday Erica!

Let's Go Blues!

I love hockey....shocking I know! Dear H knows that this is the only sport I enjoy watching so he was able to get some great tickets to a game. Being that the commute to the arena is very easy, you would think we would frequent the Blues game more often! It was a great game and the Blues even won! Shocking I know! We had a great time and there were quality fights.

Girls Night

The older we get the harder it is to get all the ladies together - between work, kids, other engagements - we tend to run out of time! Luckily in October we were able to finally get a few of the girls together for an evening of dinner and drinks! We headed to Triumph on a very rainy Thursday night (which was most of our Fall weather) and finally had some quality girls time!

Almost December!

One month behind and so much has been going on.....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 2 year anniversary! I can't believe we have been married 2 years already! It was the most wonderful day of my life. It has been a wonderful 2 years and we look forward to many more years of marital bliss! Here are some of my favorite pictures from our wedding weekend!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy Birthday H!

Yesterday, 09/09/09, was H's 28th Birthday! We celebrated at Ruth Chris' last night with a small group of friends and family. It was a very nice evening - he had no idea this was happening, so that made it even more fun! Thanks to those who came out to celebrate with us. A very happy birthday to my dear husband - we love you very much! Pictures to come later!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Angels Watching Over Us

A little over a week ago H was in a pretty bad car accident and we were very lucky he was ok - a driver ran a red light and hit him on the drivers side at the wheel. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers many of our dear family and friends have sent our way. It was very scary, he is healing well - some burns and stiffness. We were very fortunate to have our family and friends at our side right away either by phone or actually at the hospital and at the accident site. Distance makes it hard at times, but luckily technology comes to our rescue at times like these. The car is totalled but H is ok which is all that matters. Here are some photos he took at the tow lot.....

We are on the road to recovery!

An update on MIL - she is doing great, the doctors think that they have eliminated the cancer and she will soon be in remission!!! We do the last part of her surgery next month and then we will be having a celebration like nobody has ever seen before! It has been a long road but we are very thankful for the outcome!

San Fran

This past weekend H and I went to San Fran to visit Abhi - he has been there for the summer for an internship with Google. We had a wonderful and relaxing visit. Some of the highlights were we did a city tour of the city, SHOPPING(our hotel was right in the middle of the best shopping I have ever seen-imagine a triangle made of Nordstrom, Nieman and Saks and so much in between), the Golden Gate Bridge, Napa and Sonoma, and spending quality time with Abhi! Below are some photos from the trip, there are so many to pick from, the rest can be viewed here.

Behind Again!

It is so easy to fall behind blogging when you are never home! It has been a busy summer but we are finally slowing down. It would take too long to document the rest of our summer activities so I will just leave you with some photos of the fun we have been having! To summarize them, we enjoyed Jammin' in the Zoo, Ryan's 30th Birthday party, a visit from our good friends Aarti and Jeff and Emily's bridal shower! It has been a busy July and August!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Congratulations Emily & Bobby

Last weekend H and I headed back to Quincy for Emily and Bobby's wedding. Justin grew up with Emily and have stayed friends over all the years. It was all beautiful and we had a great time! Congratulations Em and Bobby - we wish you a lifetime of happiness!