Monday, August 17, 2009

Angels Watching Over Us

A little over a week ago H was in a pretty bad car accident and we were very lucky he was ok - a driver ran a red light and hit him on the drivers side at the wheel. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers many of our dear family and friends have sent our way. It was very scary, he is healing well - some burns and stiffness. We were very fortunate to have our family and friends at our side right away either by phone or actually at the hospital and at the accident site. Distance makes it hard at times, but luckily technology comes to our rescue at times like these. The car is totalled but H is ok which is all that matters. Here are some photos he took at the tow lot.....


Em and Steve said...

Oh my! He is definitely in my prayers! Hang in there!!!

Roma said...

Thank you

Christen said...

oh my goodness. i had no idea! so glad he is okay!

Roma said...

Thank you!

Mommy said...

Wow Roma I had no idea he was in an accident. However, I am happy to hear that all is well. I am sure he was pretty shaken up about the whole ordeal. Just goes to show that everday is truly a gift!

Brittany said...


I am so glad to hear that everything turned out okay. We definitely will be thinking about you two!