Friday, June 20, 2008

"B" Seen on the Boulevard

Last night, Prity, Missy, Jen and myself had a much needed girls night at "B" Seen on the Boulevard in Brentwood. It was so much fun! For $10 you got food from Maggiano's, Nadoz and P.F. Changs, and drinks! The band was great, and the weather was perfect! After we roamed around the boulevard for a while, we went into Maggiano's for an appetizer. They have the most amazing sampler platter, next time you go there, definitely try it! Being a vegetarian, it was nice to order a platter and not have to substitute anything! It was great to catch up, hear all about Jen and Ryan's honeymoon and spend time with good friends! I can't wait until the next one!


Mommy said...

How fun! Definatley hit me up for the next one!

Christen said...

That sounds like so much fun!